Bravera Bank

Bravera and Roosevelt Park Zoo Collaborate to Name Lion Cub

Minot, N.D. – Bravera is thrilled to announce its partnership with Roosevelt Park Zoo in naming the newest addition to the zoo's family, a female lion cub born on March 6th. JaKiya is the first lion cub to be born at Roosevelt Park Zoo in more than 40 years.

After careful consideration and consultation with zoo staff, Bravera and Roosevelt Park Zoo jointly decided on the name "JaKiya" for the lion cub. This unique name combines the Swahili words "Jasiri," meaning bravery, and "Kiya," meaning truth, reflecting both the cub's lineage and Bravera's core values.

“When they chose the name that they did,” explains Roosevelt Park Zoo Senior Keeper Chelsea Mihalick,” they incorporated the bravery and truth, which it definitely is. There’s a lot of bravery in her, which I think is a very suiting name for her. She’s been a fighter from the start. Anything that’s came our way, we’ve just handled it, and she’s came out of it amazing.”

JaKiya will be in the Lion’s Dayroom at the zoo until she is larger, and then will be introduced to the exhibit. To learn more about Roosevelt Park Zoo, click here.